When you join Forest School, you join our Forest family of pupils, staff, alumni, parents and former parents – plus all of those who are involved in our community here at Forest School…
..and, community is what we are about here. Over 185 years of being part of the area, and generations of youngsters coming through the white gates makes being part of Forest School’s heritage very special indeed.
Our alumni are an integral part of the community, not simply coming back to school for reunions and dinners, but also supporting our careers talks, professional days and sharing their expertise and time.
Our parents are at the heart of our community – whether they are involved in the Forest School Parents’ Association, running the second-hand clothes shop, raising money for charities such as MacMillan and Haven House Hospice, volunteering, supporting school trips, or having home-stay exchange students in their homes. They put on our annual fireworks display and host a fantastic ball every spring. Once their child has passed through the white gates for the final time, it does not mean that they stop being part of the Forest family – they are always welcome back for events, concerts and other activities.
From staff to students – 100 years old oaks (our oldest alum) to our youngest Pre-Prep acorns, all these people make Forest School what it is, a very special part of many lives.