Our House structure enables us to take advantage of the many positive characteristics of a small school while benefiting from the infrastructure and feel of a much larger school.
Our pupils are divided into 14 Houses of approximately 80 pupils, Year 7-13 inclusive; 7 each for boys and girls. The Heads of House are key figures in the lives of pupils and their families, offering ongoing support and expert guidance to each pupil as he/she navigates the Forest academic, pastoral and co-curricular ‘road’ that leads them up through the School.
The House therefore becomes a second home at Forest offering designated tutors who are the first port of call for every tutee. Our small tutor groups enable us to target age-appropriate support to boys and girls giving them comfortable space to reflect on their progress at School, as well as providing opportunities for competition and leadership.
The House system plays a major role in the life of a Forest Sixth Former. As students in Year 12 and Year 13, they have many opportunities to lead their House.