Place2Be is a leading children’s mental health charity providing school-based support and in-depth training programmes to improve the emotional wellbeing of students and families. Place2Be at Forest also provide training for staff to best support the students in the care.
We have been a member of the Place2Be family since 2016 and our service is open to students Y3-Y13 inclusive. The service runs 5 days per week during term time and is managed by our full-time School Project Manager who works with a team of counsellors. Our Place2Be provision has 4 key aspects:
- Counselling – Referrals made by Heads of Section
- Place2Talk – student self-referral service to book an appointment (15-20 mins) with our School Project Manager Place2Think – an opportunity for
- members of staff to make an appointment to see the School Project Manager to discuss students in their care. This is often done as a ‘team around the child’ meeting and typically might involve the Tutor, Head of House and Head of Section
- Parent Partnership – at Forest, we firmly believe that working in close partnership with parents is most likely to yield positive outcomes for our students
We are extremely proud of our counselling service which, alongside our commitment to the delivery of high impact pastoral care is underpinned by earliest intervention and the absolute necessity for our staff to be as pro-active as possible.