Fees effective from 1 January 2025

  • Reception to Year 2: £7,246 per term
  • Year 3: £7,711 per term
  • Years 4 to 6: £8,332 per term
  • Years 7 to 13: £10,292 per term

The above fees include VAT.


For pupils who are children of clergy: 5% of basic fees

For siblings: 5% of basic fees (The reduction will be applied to the older child’s fee account)

No reductions apply to pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2

Siblings at the School

The application from a sibling of a current pupil will be viewed sympathetically but a sibling must win a place at the School on the same basis as any other applicant. Nonetheless Forest is proud of its reputation as a family school and pleased to admit siblings.

Subsequent children are offered a reduction of 5% of the basic fee after deduction of any awards that may be applicable.

Our fees include

  • Lunches
  • Resources
  • Off-site visits, excluding residential trips
  • Co-curricular activities


A £1400 fee is payable on acceptance of a place.

The cost of entry for public examinations is charged in addition to the basic school fees.

Text books are issued on loan – a charge will be made if they are damaged, lost or not returned by the due date. For certain subjects, pupils may be advised to subscribe to specialist magazines and/or periodicals; the cost of these publications will be charged on the termly fee account if they are supplied by the subject teacher.

Individual music lessons:

  • 10 lessons for 40 minutes are charged at £375.67 per term
  • 10 lessons for 30 minutes are charged at £281.75 per term
  • 10 lessons for 20 minutes are charged at £187.83 per term

The above fees include VAT.

Charges maybe made for membership of the CCF and other clubs.

Breakfast is available at extra cost.

Payment of fees

School fees are payable in advance of the first day of term by direct debit, together with any other charges incurred. Interest is charged on overdue accounts.

School fees cannot be refunded for any part of a term for which a pupil is absent through illness, accident, quarantine or other cause.

Parents are advised to consider joining the School Fees Protection Scheme which may also be extended to cover certain medical expenses through a Group Private Health Scheme. Parents’ attention is drawn to the existence of fee-payment schemes linked to life insurance policies, for example. Such schemes offer advantages, particularly if taken out whilst children are young.

School Fees Fraud – please read the Bursar’s letter concerning instances of fraudsters targeting parents.

Bursar’s Letter

Removing a registered pupil

Notice of the intention to remove a pupil, or not to accept a place offered, must be given in writing before the first day of the previous term or a term’s fees must be paid in lieu of notice.

Provisional notice of leaving must be given if an examination result will determine whether or not a pupil leaves. Parents are also reminded that they must give a full term’s notice in writing before ending any special tuition given by visiting teachers.

A full term’s notice in writing is also required to withdraw from the School Bus Scheme.

Cancellation Notice and Cancellation Form

If your contract with the School was formed entirely by means of distance communication (i.e. by post or electronic communication) without a face to face meeting with a member of the School staff between offer and acceptance, you have the right to cancel the contract within 14 days.  The 14 day cancellation period will commence on the day following our receipt of your completed and signed acceptance form.

To exercise your right to cancel, you must inform us at the School address of your decision to cancel this contract by a clear statement (e.g. a letter sent by post or an email).  You may use the attached model cancellation form or your own wording, if you prefer.  You do not have to provide a reason for cancellation when informing the School.

To meet the cancellation deadline you must send your communication concerning your exercise of the right to cancel before the cancellation period has expired.

Cancellation Notice Form

Fee increases

Every effort is made to give a term’s notice of fee increases but the Governors reserve the right to increase the fees without such notice if necessary. Fees are usually adjusted once a year in September.


Whilst the School takes all proper steps to safeguard pupils’ personal effects on school premises, no liability whatsoever can be accepted for any loss of or damage to them.

Parents are therefore recommended to check that their own insurance policy covers articles taken to school and, if it does not do so, to arrange for the policy to be appropriately extended.

A deposit locker system operates at school for those pupils who wish to use it but the School cannot be held liable for any loss of or damage to articles left in these lockers.

A Personal Accident Insurance Scheme is included in the fees. The cover under this scheme is worldwide and continues during the holiday periods and also whether the accident occurs inside or outside the School. The scheme in principle covers accidents that are not occasioned by negligence. The School holds full Public Liability insurance cover in respect of pupils, staff, parents and visitors.

Hardship Funds

Up to the equivalent of a minimum of 2 places are reserved to retain pupils in Year 6, Year 11 or Year 13, whose parental income has suddenly and unexpectedly reduced, to enable them to complete that key stage of their education. The amount of support is determined by means-test. Exceptionally, the School will consider hardship funding for pupils in Year 5, Year 10 or Year 12. Eligibility is not transferable into the next key stage. The School’s decision concerning eligibility for hardship funding is final.

Admissions policy

Please read the school’s full Admissions Policy which can be found on our School Policies page.