Wellbeing at Forest

At Forest, we are deeply committed to the promotion of positive mental health and well-being for all staff and pupils.

We believe wholeheartedly that early intervention is the absolute key and stress the importance of striving to identify an issue before it develops, perhaps, into a problem. Therefore, we have worked in partnership with Mental Health First Aid England to ensure that every single member of the teaching staff, i.e. Pre-Prep, Prep and Senior School, have now received essential training in Mental Health First Aid. Just like Physical First Aid, the course enables Forest School staff to listen, reassure and respond appropriately if and when a pupil experiences difficulties in relation to their mental health.  This training is very much part of our 360 approach to education – academic/pastoral/co-curricular –  and underpins our ethos that every single child at Forest (4-18) be known, liked and valued as an individual.


Mr Jeff Kayne

Deputy Head Pastoral