Outreach Update
At the moment, independent schools are quite rightly being asked to demonstrate that they provide a public benefit and although we can never solve the problem of the whole education sector our impact on the local community remains a considerable one.
We can add value by making Forest more accessible to pupils who don’t have the financial means to pay for school fees as well as offering support for pupils in their own schools which we do across a wide array of projects.
We are working hard on both these fronts and the following event highlights from the last few weeks proves just that point.
Goldilocks Pantomime
60 pupils from Snaresbrook Primary School joined our own Prep School for a welcome back performance of Goldilocks and the 3 bears Panto!
Forest Futures Apprenticeships
On 8th January we hosted our Forest Futures Apprenticeships event. We welcomed two guest speakers from Kaplan and QA and six apprenticeships ready and willing to share their experiences with Year 12 students. Over 100 pupils from local schools and Forest attended this careers-focussed event.
Safe Drive Stay Alive
On 13th and 14th January we were delighted to be ‘hub host’ to the Borough of Waltham Forest’s Safer Driving event. Over 1,200 pupils from 15 schools came through our doors to listen to the local emergency services presentations and demos.
NSPCC Safer Recruitment Training
On Thursday 16th January we welcomed eight teachers from four local partner schools to our safer recruitment training day.
HE and Careers Fair
On Thursday 23rd January we hosted the Forest School Higher Education and Careers Fair. Over 450 pupils from 11 local partner schools and Forest attended the event.
Critical Thinking Skills sessions with LAE Stratford
The Forest 6th form team lead a critical thinking skills session for students from LAE Stratford and Forest on a weekly basis.
These are particularly aimed at students who are undertaking competitive university admissions processes, including sitting test (such as the TSA or BMAT) and academic interviews.
Working in collaboration with other schools takes students outside of their comfort zone and prepares them for the competitive element of the wider university experience
Teaching Music in local primary schools
The Forest Music Department parachute into six local primaries across the year to teach a unit of music in each school half termly.
Teaching Science in local primary schools
The Forest Science Department parachute into six local primaries across the year to teach a unit of science in each school half termly.
Additional Maths for Year 11
The Forest Maths Department run regular weekly after school maths lessons for the pupils of two locally maintained school – Frederick Bremer and WSFG.
Free use of coding tech
Forest School loans out raspberry pis and microbits coding boxes to local maintained schools on a rolling termly basis.
Number of activities delivered = 10
Number of students reached = over 2,000
Number of schools reached = over 49