Forest School partners with Flair Impact
Forest School partners with Flair Impact as part of its commitment to promoting racial inclusivity and awareness
Diversity is one of Forest School’s core values. There is much to be proud of in terms of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) at Forest and the approach taken is ambitious in its scale and includes a number of strategies in order to effect real change, but there will always be more to explore and learn.
Over recent months, Forest has been focusing on promoting racial inclusivity and awareness and interrogating its practices in order to create a truly inclusive and diverse environment. Gathering evidence regularly is key to informing this process and, with this in mind, we are pleased to be working in partnership with Flair Impact – an organisation that is committed to promoting racial inclusivity and awareness – who will help us measure and track our levels of racial inclusion and awareness here at Forest. They will then provide us with data-driven insights and important feedback on the key areas of strength and weakness that exist within our community.
The first stage in this process began at the start of this term when Mr Kayne, Deputy Head Pastoral, invited all staff and pupils to complete an anonymous survey on racial issues, which closes later this week. Flair will, in turn, interpret the results and provide data-driven recommendations for our school community and a summary of the key findings and recommended actions based on the survey responses, which will be available after May half term. Flair’s surveys are designed to be repeated continuously, which will allow us to monitor levels of racial inclusion and awareness over time.
At Forest School we believe in making meaningful change, so we are delighted to be working with Flair to help us build a more inclusive culture for our students, staff and the wider community. If you would like more information about the work Flair are doing, visit their website at