Data Protection Form

To give the Old Foresters’ Club and Forest School your data protection permissions please complete the form.

Further Information

General Statement of the School’s Duties

To deliver its services to the School, Old Foresters’ Club (‘OFC’) and alumni, the Alumni & Development Office and the OFC process relevant personal data regarding staff, former staff, alumni, pupils and their parents as part of its operation. Processing may include obtaining, recording, holding, disclosing, destroying or otherwise using data. All data is securely held by the Alumni and Development Office under the terms of the Data Protection Act and will be treated confidentially and with the utmost care and respect.


Data you give to the School, the Alumni and Development Office and the OFC (including personal data, collected during your association with the School) either online via the School website, by email, by telephone, in person or by postal update will be used by School staff for purposes directly related to the interests of the School and/or its alumni. Such data may include (but is not limited to): names and addresses; bank details; donor aptitude and donation history; academic, co-curricular, disciplinary, admissions, examination marks and attendance records; references and employment;  current interests.

Your data will improve our engagement with you by helping us to target our communications and gain a better understanding about what School and Alumni and Development Office activities may be relevant and appropriate to you. Data and publicly accessible information is used for fundraising and related research except where the individual has expressed a preference not to be included. In some cases publicly available information may be processed for wealth screening or analysis, except where the individual has expressed a preference not to be included. Data and publicly accessible information is also used to research your interest in School and alumni events, sports and other activities and to verify that you are a bona fide alumni/parent should you wish to join a recognised Forest School/Alumni online, social or other group.

Processing of Personal Data and Sensitive Personal Data

Any information that falls under the definition of personal and sensitive personal data, and is not otherwise exempt, will remain confidential and will only be disclosed to third parties with the consent of the appropriate individual.

Your data will not be disclosed to external organisations other than those acting as agents for the School and/or OFC to operate its IT and data environments and for fundraising purposes. Any movement or storage of data, both within and outside the UK, will be performed under appropriate safeguards and security provisions and in line with the terms of the Data Protection Act 1998.

Rights of Access

Under the Data Protection Act you have the right to be told whether information exists about you, and the right to receive the information. To access your personal data you should put a request in writing to the Development Director or Chair of the OFC. You will be required to provide the School with proof of ID and proof of address. The School will endeavour to respond to any such written requests as soon as is reasonably practicable and in any event, within 40 days for a Subject Access Request.

Certain data is exempt from the right of access under the Data Protection Act. This may include information that identifies other individuals, information that the School reasonably believes is likely to cause damage or distress, or information that is subject to legal professional privilege. The School will also treat as confidential any references given by the School for the purpose of the education, training or employment, or prospective education, training or employment of any alumnus/alumna.

The rights under the Data Protection Act are the individual’s to whom the data relates.

Use of Personal Data by the School

We may communicate with you in person, by phone, email and mail, except where you have expressed a preference not to be contacted in a specific way and your data will be used for the following purposes:

  • To maintain relationships with alumni of the School, including transferring information to any association, society or club set up for the purpose of establishing or maintaining contact with alumni.
  • The distribution of School and OFC publications.
  • Placing of photographic images of staff, alumni and pupils in School and Alumni publications and on the School website and retaining them in the Archive for historical purposes.
  • To give notification of events.
  • Promote career networking and The Network.
  • For School fundraising purposes except where the individual has expressed a preference not to be included.
  • Research, audit and survey purposes to better deliver services of interest to alumni.
  • The sending of emails, which will be tracked and stored and analysed to ensure that we are better able to tailor our communications
  • The promotion of benefits and services

Should you wish to limit or object to any such use please notify the Development Director or Chair of the OFC in writing to the Development Director, Forest School, London, E17 3PY or by email to You can change your preferences at any time


The School will endeavour to ensure that all personal data held in relation to you is accurate. You should notify the Development Director or Chair of the OFC of any changes to information held about you. You have the right to request that inaccurate information is erased or corrected.


The School will take reasonable steps to ensure that members of staff will only have access to personal data relating to staff, pupils, their parents or alumni where it is necessary for them to do so. All staff will be made aware of this policy and their duties under the Data Protection Act. The School will ensure that all personal information is held securely and is not accessible to unauthorised persons


If you believe that the School has not complied with this Policy or acted otherwise than in accordance with the Data Protection Act, you should  contact the Development Director, Warden or President of the OFC.

Last updated: 23 March 2017

Donors may wish to read the School’s Donor Charter.