The hotly contested Girls’ House Drama Competition was held on Friday 5 February 2016…and the results are in…
The full list of winners below:
Best Design Franklin “Glass Eels”
Best Adapted Play Eliot “I believe in Angels”
Best Original Play Hepworth “The Green”
Best Newcomer Kingsley: Megan Summers
Best Supporting Actress Kingsley: Emily Lawrence
Best Actor Kingsley: Alex Bush
Best Actress Hepworth: Shailee Mahil
Best Director Astell: Phoebe Lewis & Grace O’Donnell
Best Production Kingsley “It’s an Apocolyse!” written & Directed by Seshani Sritharan
The overall rankings:
1st Kingsley
2nd Hepworth
3rd Eliot
4th Astell
5th Franklin
6th Baylis