Forest supports National Apprenticeships Week 2019 with Apprenticeships Conference

Last night Forest school was excited to host an array of expert speakers and panellists promoting the importance of the national Apprenticeships programme.

The speakers

  • Jonathan Mitchell, Deputy Director (Standards Development) at the Institute for Apprenticeships & Technical Education
  • Charlotte Wolstenholme, STEM Ambassador, Systems Integration Engineer and Site STEM Leader at Cummins Turbo Technologies
  • Nina Manku, Head of Accountancy & Tax Design at Kaplan led the audience through informative presentations; explaining that the government is treating Apprenticeships as a priority and committing £2.45bn to the initiative. The speakers also talked about the shortage of tech skills in the UK economy and how the government is attempting to combat this by pushing the Apprenticeships programme.


The panel were real-life apprentices from businesses in Accounting, Finance, Construction and Law. They shared in a lively debate; de-bunking the myths that Apprenticeships were only for less academic students.

Forest is proud to showcase this Apprenticeships Conference as part of our Next Steps programme and will be hosting a week of Careers lunch time talks next week. Contact us for more information.