All donations are tremendously important to us and will be gratefully acknowledged by the School.
Donors 1 July 2015 to 30 June 2016
Mr J Adasonla, Mr T Ahmad, Mr and Mrs W Ashraf, Mr J Barbour, Mr and Mrs P Barry,
Mr and Mrs J Barry, Mr A Barson, Dr ER Brazier, Mr P Buckingham, Mr D Burney, Ms C Chamberlain, Mr GD Claridge, Mrs S Coates, Mr M Collins, Mrs L Coombs,
Mr RL Cory, Mr N Darrant, Mr R Davis, Mr B De Souza, Miss J Dent, Mr and Mrs S Dugdale, Mr D Elliott, Mr P Eyre, Mr PH Fisher, Mr W Fraser, Mr RH Froom,
Mrs H Gaddum, Mr J Green, Mr R Greenaway, Mr T Hall, Mr G Hall, Mr M Hall, Mr C Harris, Mr L Haslam, Mr TA Haycock, Lt. Col. M Head, Mr G Heer,
Mr G Hewitson, Dr J Hobbs, Dr HP Hock, Mr C Hossain-Nelson, Mr and Mrs Ikram, Mr and Mrs G Jamieson, Mr P Jat, Mr P Jennings, Mr B Joyce, Mr B Kenealy,
Mr and Mrs Keys, Mr SM Lal, Mr A Linsell, Mr and Mrs Loizou, Dr and Mrs M Matson, Mr LF McDonnell, Mr I McMullen, Mr and Mrs H Mistry, Mr SA Mitson,
Mr and Mrs P Nair, Mrs F Nasim, Mr A Ngo, Mr A Olukiran, Mr C Pack, Mr C Palmer, Ms A Paramanantham, Mr T Parry, Mr C Partos, Mr and Mrs R Patel, Mr PJ Peacock, Dr R Poston, Mr S Rahulapaskaran, Mr J Rowe, Mr J Rule, Mr M Rush, Mr MDJ Rushton, Miss C Russell, Mr C Sales, Mr and Mrs Sanger, Canon T Shannon, Mr and Mrs S Sheikh, Mr and Mrs S Siddiqui, Mr D Skipper, Mr and Mrs B Spady, Miss C Spencer Ellis, Mr M Spencer Ellis, Mr J Squirrell, Mr and Mrs Stone, Mr N Stripe,
Mr N Stuchfield, Mr and Mrs S Takhar, Mr D Tapper, Mr S Taylor,
Mr M Wakem, Dr C Waldman, Mr J Wells, Mr D Wilson, Mr NL Wood, plus anonymous donors.
Friends, Patrons & Benefactors July 2015 to June 2016
Prof J Banatvala, Mr L Clarke, Mr A Moore, Dr P Morris, Mr K Sanghera, Mr and Mrs M Solomons,
Mrs S Wilson, Mr R Woodleigh plus anonymous donors.
Mr & Mrs S Kingham, The estate of Mr T Fells.
HH Judge FL Daly.
Life Benefactor
Mr AV Martin