Day 2 of Forest's first ever Sleep Week
Day two of Forest’s first ever Sleep Week took place on Tuesday 21 March.
Speaking about the day, teacher Mrs Rebecca Kay said: ‘Today we had a non-uniform day at Forest with pupils from Lower School given the chance to wear onesies. Many pupils took up the opportunity to wear these whilst the whole School donated money to our charities for the privilege of wearing non-uniform.
‘During tutor time, year 9 pupils and sixth formers considered the philosophy of dreaming and tried to answer big questions such as ‘how do we know when we are awake?’ and ‘can you act immorally in dreams?’.
During Forest’s first Sleep Week, pupils and staff will learn more about the benefits of sleep and its influence on our wellbeing and mental health.
Recently there has been increasing reports in the media about children’s mental health, and at Forest we believe its important to try and address those issues in school.
Tomorrow pupils take part in a ‘Fone Fast’. This will see individuals given the opportunity to attempt to go for 24 hours (or 12) without their mobile phones.
It’s hoped the Fone Fast will encourage pupils to relax in the evening and achieve uninterrupted sleep leading to feeling refreshed the next day.
Ahead of Forest’s first Sleep Week, Tommy, Y8, spoke to Deputy Head Pastoral, Mr Jeff Kayne about why the School was launching the initiative.