Name: Zach

A Level subjects: Maths, further Maths, Chemistry, Physics

University course: Engineering

First choice destination: Bristol University

What was the thought process that led you to choose to read Engineering at University?

I have an interest in environmental issues which then led me to the research the field of renewable energy, which I think is really the only way we are ultimately going to save our planet. Engineering covers a broad range of specialisms so thinking about renewable energy gave me start point and I used Unifrog to explore courses which focus on this area.

Where else did you apply?

I have offers from Exeter, Durham, Bristol and Leeds and I am still weighing up my final decision on my first choice but I am leaning towards Bristol where the course structure includes a ‘foundation stage’ and then the opportunity to specialise.

What are your plans for the future?

I definitely want to work in the field of renewable energy but the companies I may end up working for perhaps don’t even exist yet.