Name: Jai

A Level subjects: History, Latin, Politics

University course: Law

First choice destination: UCL

What was the thought process that led you to choose to read Law at University?

I first started to think about studying Law at University as part of our ‘Next Steps’ process at Forest. I also considered taking History or Politics but came to the conclusion that Law brings together many of the aspects of those subjects that I enjoy. When I applied, I had to take the National Admissions Test for Law where you are given a passage from which you must infer knowledge and demonstrate analytical skills. One example asked for views on whether Parliament should ban ‘fake news’ – my answer was that it shouldn’t as that would put us on the slippery slope towards censoring the press.

Where else did you apply?

Law courses are ‘standard’, and I have offers from Durham, Exeter, LSE and UCL but I am drawn to the London Universities.

What are your plans for the future?

I’m keeping an open mind on what area of Law to specialise in.