Name: Luke

A Level subjects: History, Chemistry, Maths, further Maths

University course: Chemistry

First choice destination: Imperial College London

What was the thought process that led you to choose to read Chemistry at University?

My initial plan was to study Economics at University as I am doing Maths and further Maths A Levels, but Chemistry is really the subject that I have enjoyed the most. The Chemistry course at Imperial is very prestigious offers a lot of choice as to which areas of Chemistry I may later want to specialise in, and I would graduate with a Masters in Chemistry.

Where else did you apply?

I have received offers from Leeds, UCL, Durham and Imperial. It has been hard selecting a first choice University without being able to attend Open Days, but I think I would like to stay in London and study at Imperial.

What are your plans for the future?

I don’t yet know what path I want to follow after University, but I quite like the idea of working in industry and then maybe teaching later in my career.