Name: Joba
A Level subjects: Maths, Economics, Religious Studies
University course: Politics, Philosophy & Economics (PPE)
First choice destination: Manchester University
What was the thought process that led you to choose to read PPE at University?
I have always been interested in how money works from an early age and, in particular, the morals and ethics of economics. In Y11 I thought I would study either Economics or Philosophy but in Y12 I heard about PPE and decided it was the perfect mix of all the things I’m interested in.
Where else did you apply?
I have offers from Warwick, Loughborough, Liverpool, and Nottingham as well as Manchester and I am still deciding on my first choice. The courses vary quite a lot with more focus on Economics at Warwick and Politics at Loughborough. I’m lucky to have friends who have attended these Universities so I have talked to them and I think I am going to choose Manchester – I really like big city life and Manchester has great links with the ‘big 4’ (PwC, EY, KPMG, Deloitte).
What are your plans for the future?
I would like to get into Management Consultancy and, ultimately, run my own business – perhaps in hospitality or real estate but with a renewable energy proposition. I also plan to set up a charity to support young people’s Mental Health and Wellbeing I could see myself getting into Politics in the future.