Name: Molly

A Level subjects: Biology, Chemistry, Geography

University course: Veterinary Sciences

First choice destination: Liverpool or Bristol University

What was the thought process that led you to choose to read Veterinary Sciences at University?

Well I am in the relatively rare position that I have always known that I wanted to study Veterinary Science. I wasn’t always sure that it would be possible as it’s a very academically rigorous subject to study, but I realised in Y12 that I was definitely in a strong position to apply. I’ve also been lucky to have gained real world work experience before lockdown, helping in a Veterinary Surgery and I even gave a new-born calf its first feed on a dairy farm in Cheshire.

Where else did you apply?

I did consider applying to Cambridge but the course there is much more focused on animal research with very little hands-on experience so I decided against that and I now have offers from Nottingham, Bristol, Liverpool and Edinburgh as well as Bristol. The courses are quite similar, so I have been looking at how integrated the Veterinary Faculty is with the rest of the Universities as I like the idea of getting to know people who are studying other disciplines.

What are your plans for the future?

That’s quite an easy question for me – a Vet!