Name: Daniel, Y13
A Level subjects: Greek, Drama and English Literature
University course: English Literature
First choice destination: Corpus Christi College, Oxford
What was the thought process that led you to choose to read English Literature at University?
I have a real passion for drama, television, and storytelling. Initially, I looked at non-traditional courses like English and American Literature and English with Film & TV and I also considered pursuing Drama at RADA. But I later came full-circle and found myself drawn to the intellectual challenge of studying the sweep of the traditional English Literature at Oxford, covering everything from Boewulf to Dickens to modern Literature.
Where else did you apply?
I have received offers to study English and American Literature at Manchester and English and Film & TV at Exeter and Birmingham.
What are your plans for the future?
Having made films based on the work of Wes Anderson and Quentin Tarantino for my EPQ, I am keen to pursue a career in acting, directing or scriptwriting. I know it’s a really hard area to get in to but I plan to participate in as much Drama as I can at Oxford where I also hope to build relationships that will help me in the future.