Choir sing evensong at Queen’s College, Oxford
On Wednesday 18th October, the Senior Chapel Choir travelled to Oxford to sing evensong at Queen’s College.
Luckily the torrential rain of the journey cleared as we arrived at the city of the dreaming spires, and we had an orientation walk of the city centre taking in the Radcliffe Camera, Bodleian Library, All Souls College and the Sheldonian Theatre. After lunch, we visited the Bate Collection of musical instruments at the Faculty of Music, where we were able to try square-pianos, clavichords, shawms, crumhorns, a serpent and even a theremin! A short walk through Christ Church meadow returned us to Queen’s where we enjoyed a rehearsal under the direction of Professor Owen Rees, Director of Music at the college. We then rehearsed with the Queen’s Choir, just as they would week in week out. The festal service for St. Luke included some classic repertoire – the soaring drama of Te Lucis ante terminum by Balfour Gardner and Noble’s richly textured B minor service. It was a long day but a wonderful taste of Oxford and a great choral experience!