Physical Education at Forest School

Head of Department: Ms P Cooper

Have you ever wondered why some people are better at sports than others? Why some people can run faster than others? How you could go from being a ‘good’ athlete to the Olympics? Then studying GCSE and A Level PE could be for you.

A qualification in PE will open your eyes to the world of sports performance. The combination of physical performance and academic challenge provides an exciting opportunity for those interested not just in sport but the human body.

Our rich curriculum includes:

  • Visits to Sports Science Laboratories at Loughborough and UEL.
  • Trips to major London based elite sporting matches.
  • Sporting regeneration visits to the Olympic Park.
  • Teacher led weekly clinics to supplement your classroom lessons.

GCSE and A-level Overview

An OCR PE course allows pupils to:

  • Compete in three different sports (GCSE) and one sport (A-LEVEL)
    • You will also be expected to critically evaluate your own performance in your preferred sport.
  • Develop collaborative approaches to topical issues in sport and society.
  • A deep understanding and implementation of human physiology.
  • Application of theoretical concepts in a practical setting.
  • Acquire a foundation of biomechanics for future study.

Assessment at GCSE and A-level


  • Component 1: Physiological Factors on Human Performance (1hour paper) 30% of total mark.
  • Component 2: Psychological Factors (1hour paper) 30% of total mark.
  • Component 3: Practical Performance and Evaluation – 3 sports and 1 piece of written coursework, 40% of total mark.

A Level:

  • Component 1: Physiological Factors on Human Performance, written paper (120minutes) 30% of total mark.
  • Component 2: Socio-Cultural Issues, written paper (60minutes) 20% of total marks.
  • Component 3: Psychological Factors, written paper (60minutes) 20% of total marks. Component 4: Practical Performance 15%, Evaluation of Performance 15%.

The health benefits of sport and exericse are well documented. Lesser so is the important life lessons sports can bring to an individual.

Teamwork, resilience, patience are all necessary skills to be able to succeed in a manner of professions.

Socially sport can open up a plethora of opportunities to develop as a person and encourage a lifelong love of physical activity.