How can I learn more about challenge?
What challenges you? It could be running a mile in under a specific time, or trying a new food. Have a think about things you find challenging, and see if your friends share those challenges, or…
National Schools’ Observatory
Aim for the stars
What bigger challenge is there than aiming for the stars? Discover and learn about space with the National Schools’ Observatory.
National Public Radio
Make a podcast
Challenge yourself to create a podcast – the American NPR are running a podcast competition, and there’s many more out there!
Take a Quiz
Test your knowledge by trying one of the many pre-made quizes on Quizizz. You can use these to go over class material too!
Future Learn
Go to an online course
Have a look through these free online courses – what interests you, or what would you like to learn more about?
Open Learn
Learn with the Open University
Like Future Learn, Open Learn is a free online library of courses. Open Learn is run by the Open University.