Scholarships at 11+

Scholarships are awarded to pupils that demonstrate excellence during a competitive assessment process and are currently awarded for Sport, Music, Art, Drama and Academic excellence. The maximum Scholarship awarded to any one pupil is 20% of full fees, whether in one area of excellence or in a combination of one or more areas of excellence. The number of places allocated includes both Scholarship and Bursary awards. However, most Scholarships will be awarded as a smaller percentage, usually 15%/10%/5%.

11+ Art Scholarships Q&A


11+ Drama Scholarships Q&A


11+ Music Scholarship Q&A


11+ Sport Scholarships Q&A


11+ Academic Scholarship Programme

The Academic Curriculum Prospectus


Scholarships at 16+

Scholarships are awarded for outstanding academic ability and exceptional attainment in Art, Drama, Music and Sport.

Scholarships are not means-tested and are awarded in percentage increments up to 20% of full fees and are subject to annual review. 20% of full fees is the maximum non-means-tested fee remission awarded in respect of any one pupil, whether in one area of excellence or in a combination of one or more areas of excellence and are subject to annual review.

Candidates who receive scholarships in non-academic areas are strongly encouraged to take the subject at A level. Candidates who hold non-academic awards are expected to make a significant contribution to the relevant area, which will be monitored in an annual Scholarship review meeting.

16+ Non-Academic Scholarships Guideline

Scholarship Regulations

All Scholarship awards are made on the basis of assessed merit at the discretion of the School and the School’s decision is final.

All internal material relating to the assessment, such as examination scripts, interview notes and results, remain the confidential property of Forest School.

All Scholarships are awarded for the full duration of the pupil’s life at the School, subject to annual review of performance and the pupil meeting expected conduct levels.  The School reserves the right to reduce or remove the level of Scholarship where there are significant concerns about the pupil’s commitment or progress; at least a term’s notice will be given of any such decision.


Forest Exhibitions are awarded in recognition of potential present in those candidates who may not have qualified for a scholarship.

In Drama, the Exhibition covers the cost of speech and drama lessons. In Sport and in Art, the Exhibition is awarded to the value of £200 per annum. The purpose of the award is to assist candidates with the procurement of sports equipment and art materials.

In the case of Music, the Exhibition covers the cost of individual music lessons in one or more instruments, and may be awarded in addition to a music scholarship. They may also be awarded at the discretion of the Director of Music at points other than entry.

All Exhibitions are awarded at the discretion of the School and cannot be directly applied for. Exhibition awards do not bring with them eligibility for Bursarial support.

Exhibitions Regulations

Exhibitions may be removed at any stage if the pupil’s commitment or progress no longer merits this recognition.

NB: The School reserves the right to review criteria and awards annually and will give appropriate notice of any changes made.