Maths Off Piste 2019
Forest School’s Maths Off Piste 2019 will take place on Thursday 15 October, 4.15pm – 5.15pm at the Deaton Theatre.
Ben is a mathematician, musician, and public speaker. His talk will be an entertaining journey through humanity’s attempts to wrestle with the deepest questions behind our day-to-day use of numbers, and their consequences. Deep philosophical questions, mathematical murder, puzzling proofs, and mysterious memes: they all lead us through the human story of numbers, to finish with one of the most celebrated mathematical images of modern times.
• He taught secondary maths for 10 years in various schools in England.
• Has a BA (Hons) in Mathematical Sciences and an MSc in Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing.
• His performances include regular work with the Maths Inspiration and MathsFest projects run by Rob Eastaway, and ThinkMaths.
• Has a BA (Hons) in Mathematical Sciences and an MSc in Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing.
• His performances include regular work with the Maths Inspiration and MathsFest projects run by Rob Eastaway, and ThinkMaths.
The target audience is sixth form.