Mrs Parrales is our full time School Chaplain who leads spiritual development and dialogue across the whole school community. She is an advocate for those of all faiths and none and a key member of our pastoral team.

Chaplaincy is about guiding and resourcing the spiritual development of both pupils and staff, empowering the discovery of deep meaning in society and exploring a sense of purpose and a deepening understanding of fundamental human values. Chaplaincy seeks to support us to celebrate and learn from our similarities and differences as a school community.

Pastoral Care

A key member of the Pastoral team, Chaplain is an impartial listening ear with experience in pastoral matters for children, young people and adults. She is unshockable! If you would like to talk to her, you can contact her via email: or pop by her office to chat (up the stairs next to Matron).

Faith & Belief

Pupil Voice

For those who want to lead pupil voice in the area of Faith and Belief there is an opportunity to become a Faith and Belief Advocate for your section of school. F&B Advocates will be trained and take a crucial role in planning activities and events and ensuring that all voices are heard regarding people’s faiths and beliefs, promoting an inclusive and welcoming school environment.


Our partnership with F&B gives pupils and staff resources and opportunities throughout the year to explore how we connect with each other and foster a school environment where we learn from each other and gain greater understanding of the role of faith and belief in our community – inside and outside of school.

The Chapel

The Chapel sits at the heart of our school site and is a space for all pupils and staff of all faiths and none. All pupils from Year 3 to Year 13 will have a morning in the Chapel, gathering with their peers to celebrate and to reflect (pupils in Reception-Year 2 will have their own special Chapel arrangements).

All pupils in the senior school will be on a rota to lead the Chapel gatherings as a tutor group and share their values, ideas and experiences with peers. The Chapel provides a rare space of pause in the busyness of our lives and is open for all throughout the school day for you to use.